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Using LinkedIn to Start Your Active Job Search


Many professionals use LinkedIn to connect with business people, but do not use the platform as a job search tool. LinkedIn has a robust "JOBS" section where you can search for and find open jobs and then apply to them almost instantly if your profile is up-to-date. Using LinkedIn as an active job search tool can be extremely beneficial for the job seeker, but it is also a tool recruiters use to find candidates for open positions. Being an "ACTIVE JOB SEEKER" means learning how to use LinkedIn regularly, staying current with your information, and engaging with content and recruiters. Here's how to leverage LinkedIn to start your active job search. 

Start with your LinkedIn Profile

First, head to LinkedIn and update your profile. Add a photo if you haven’t done this yet, and make sure it is a professional image and does not have anyone else in it. Then change your heading text to a line that contains both your intended job title and your industry. Try: “Experienced (job title) seeking a (fill in the blank) position in the (fill in the blank) industry.” You will also need to update your profile with a few new details about your latest position. Adding more "skills" to your profile can help recruiters find you during their searches as well.

Apply to LinkedIn Jobs

Review the JOBS section of LinkedIn and use the many filters to refine your search for a position. Industry and location may be of importance to your search, or perhaps you want to search by company name to see all the open positions within an organization. Take the time to review the positions and when ready to apply, have your updated resume ready to attach to the application or simply apply with your LinkedIn profile. 

Visit the Site More Often

Start visiting the site at least a few times per week and making regular updates to your profile. This will show that you are an active participant and improve your odds of being seen in employer search results. While you do this, reach out to your contacts and offer recommendations and well-written testimonials. Ask colleagues, mentors, and others you have worked with for recommendations as well, They will be happy to return the favor after you have reached out.

Expand your Network

Visit the profiles of your friends and connections and search their contact lists for mutual friends. If you find someone you recognize who might make a great addition to your network, reach out or contact a connection of theirs who might be able to make an introduction to you. 

Let Your Connections Know that You’re Looking (Selectively)

If you have a current job, be selective in whom you reach out to make connections so you don't alert your employer that you are proactively searching for another role. Reach out to your friends, former coworkers, mentors, supporters, and others to let them know you’re looking. Mention that you are beginning to look at new opportunities and offer a brief summary of the position you are seeking. 

Open Your Mind to Working with a Recruiter

If you have not worked with a recruiter before consider it now. Recruiters spend most of their time looking for the right candidate to fill positions within many organizations and they are very active on LinkedIn. They have connections with the companies, and may even be working for a company you are seeking to join. Recruiters can sell your skills and put you in front of multiple companies at the same time. They can also help you negotiate the offer when you're ready to take the job. Reach out to a recruiter and ask to be considered for open positions.

Become more of an active job searcher and contact us today to speak with one of our recruiting experts!

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