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Cordia Resources by Cherry Bekaert Blog

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Cordia's April Career Tips!

Every Tuesday, Cordia Resources shares our favorite career tips on LinkedIn. Our advice comes from the knowledge and insight our recruiting experts provide daily to our clients and candidates. Below is the compilation of the different tips from the month of April. We hope this is useful to you and your network. Connect with us on LinkedIn now to see a new tip each week!

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  • Get Insider Knowledge: Perform research in your industry to see which companies are hiring. Contact a recruiter to find out if he/she specializes in placing job seekers in your industry. 
  • Create Better Connections: Create a more personal interaction using virtual webinars and direct phone conversations to communicate more efficiently, instead of using email or other messaging.
  • Attract Employer Attention: On LinkedIn, make sure to highlight your accomplishments with details, not just your job responsibilities, when showcasing your employment history. Including the data on how your actions were successful will attract potential employers. 
  • Organize Your Applications: Track your job applications and searches so you can document when, where, and how you applied to new opportunities.This will prepare you to respond quickly to inquiries, set goals, and land that dream job.

At Cordia Resources, we take pride in making the process of working with us easy, recruiting and placing talent quickly, and providing excellent customer service. Contact us for immediate help today. 


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