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Cordia Resources by Cherry Bekaert Blog

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Switching from a Passive to an Active Job Search

Until today, you’ve been looking for work by posting your profile and passively waiting for employers and recruiters to come to you. There are plenty of great reasons to take this approach; maybe you’ve been satisfied with your current job, but ready to take something better if it came along. Maybe you weren’t quite ready to step into a new role just yet. Maybe you’ve been ready and eager for a new job, but you haven’t yet had time to commit to the search. In any case, the switch has just flipped. Some aspect of your situation has changed, and you’re ready to start the hunt. Here a few moves that can help you make a seamless transition from passive to active.

Start with your Linkedin Profile

First, head to Linkedin and update your profile photo. Add a photo if you’ve haven’t done this yet. Then change your heading text to a line that contains both your intended job title and your industry. Try: “Experienced (job title) seeking a (fill in the blank) position in the (fill in the blank) industry.” Update your profile with a few new details about your latest position.

Visit the Site More Often

Start visiting the site at least a few times per week and making regular updates to your profile. This will keep you in circulation and improve your odds of being seen in employer search results. While you do this, reach out to your contacts and offer recommendations and well written testimonials. Instead of asking others to vouch for you, offer to vouch for them. Most people will be happy to return the favor.

Expand your Network

Visit the profiles of your friends and connections and search their contact lists for mutual friends. If you find someone you recognize who might make a great addition to your network, reach out. Don’t add names indiscriminately, but start injecting more bold energy into your overtures.

Let Your Connections Know that You’re Looking (Selectively)

If you have a current job, don’t just announce your search to the world at large…This can motivate your employers to hustle you out the door. But short of attracting the bum’s rush, reach out to your friends, former coworkers, mentors, supporters, and previous bosses to let them know you’re looking. Just mention that your feelers are out and use a few brief words to describe what you’re looking for.

Open Your Mind to New Leads

Until now, you’ve been sending spammy emails from recruiters directly to your trash folder, and maybe you’ve been skimming through Linkedin job recommendations without really reading them. But this may be a good time to start clicking on some of these open positions and learning more. As you do this, you’ll be training various algorithms to send you more appropriate matches.

For more on how to step off the sidelines and into a more active and aggressive job search, reach out to the DC staffing team at Cordia.

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